
An interview with actor and director Gian Carlo Arrunategui

Gian Carlo Arrunategui

Jukebox Times recently got a chance to interview Artist, Actor, Writer, and Director Gian Carlo Arrunategui. By traversing the global stages from New York to Los Angeles, his journey is not only commendable but also shows us that it is quite distinct!

Q. Welcome to Jukebox Times! As someone who is not just an actor but also a writer, director, and producer, how do you manage these different roles in a project?

I like to create, I am an artist, I see the world as a door of opportunities for stories and I just get inspired with life, events, anything can be art so I can write it, act in it, or produce or all three at the same time.

Q. You’ve mentioned bringing interesting ideas to your projects. Can you share an example of such an idea you’ve implemented recently?

The most recent idea was the idea of telling addiction to the phone as it is something that happens nowadays and is a project that I wrote, produced and acted in.

Q. How does your writing process influence your acting, and vice versa?

My writing helps me express my ideas on paper and just not let ideas fly and with that helps my creativity fly and skyrocket and helps my acting by being creative and thinking and getting inspired by what I experience and see.

Q. Can you share a bit about any current projects you’re excited about?

A current project I am excited about is a project that will be a trailer for something bigger.

Q. Who are your greatest inspirations, both in the acting world and beyond?

My great inspiration will be my dad as he went through a lot and came through and he is the best inspiration for me.

Gian Carlo Arrunategui

Q. How do you see your craft evolving in the future? Are there any specific goals or projects you’re aiming for?

I would love to evolve into a big and successful company sharing stories that need to be told, my stories, and the richness of Peru that is hanging there waiting to be told.

Q. What advice would you give to young aspiring actors, especially those looking to work in multiple aspects of production?

If you wanna go to the production world just make sure to bring the best of you and your heart as this world needs your full potential and your passion to go through everything no matter what even on those days that you can’t because you need to be in love with what you do.

Q. How do you incorporate your life experiences into your acting and directing?

My life experience helps me inspire my acting and directing as I can take my experience and use it in my craft in a way that can help the thing I want to create or share.

Q. Lastly, what do you hope audiences take away from your work?

I want the audience to have a good story, to have a unique experience that can pull them to the world of the story, feel those emotions that touch their heart, and go out of the theater with a good message. Just relax and enjoy the journey.

For more details visit: linktr.ee/giancarlo_arrunategui

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