
Check out Dilum Sandamal Fernando’s wonderful music!

Dilum Sandamal Fernando

Jukebox Times is today reviewing the music of artist Dilum Sandamal Fernando. His notable tracks are MERADITH, Light WaLL and JAYLUX. Light WaLL is an experimental number with uplifting and unequivocally dramatically arranged sound patches. Whereas MERADITH has an amazing progression with riveting beats. The truly amazing aspect of the single is its stunning sound patches and subtle yet empowering synth sounds! Lastly, JAYLUX has a very power-packed arrangement with conjectural composition. Often the progression is categorical but it seems the artist is subtly experimenting with buildup so as to cause an extreme sense of anticipation for a break.

Overall, Dilum Sandamal Fernando‘s music is distinct and catchy. And it seems music lovers would definitely love it if they get a chance to listen to the artist’s full-fledged EP in the near future!

Dilum Sandamal Fernando‘s songs are currently streaming on Spotify and all major music streaming services.

About the artist: Dilum Sandamal Fernando is a famous Information Technology Journalist, Software Engineer, Web developer, Music Composer, Singer, Music Producer, Digital Media/Social Media Consultant & Analyst and Social Media Strategist from Sri Lanka. Dilum Sandamal Fernando was born on August 31, 2000 at Colombo and grew up in modest circumstances in Wanduramba, a village situated in Galle city.

Follow the artist on his official social media for updates about future releases:

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